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DigitalRamen ThemePark Tutorial

Part 2 - creating a mockup

I said earlier that I assume you already have a design. Well, just in case you don't, feel free to use the mockup templates found at the end of this section. They're just screenshots of major interface elements, but I find that creating your own mockup in Photoshop layers, and keeping these screenshots untouched for reference, works very well.

Most of Apple's interface does not get along very well with resized elements, so try to keep your design to roughly the same dimensions. The more you experiment the more you'll discover that some boundaries can be pushed, but I'm not going to get into that right now.

Last tip - while creating a mockup in Photoshop, it's a good idea to keep different layers separate within a button. You're going to be making hundreds of graphics to be used in your theme, and having some defined layer styles and graphics to work with will help speed things along.

download the mockup templates from MacThemes

download Max's mockup templates


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