Links to various projects I've been involved with. Check 'em, yo!
Arizona Health Care Association
This web site has a ton of stuff going on. It's got custom graphics that vary from page to page, being driven by a custom PHP backend. It's got a couple of custom PHP web applications integrated in, for stuff like their calendar. It uses a custom-designed, highly flexible e-commerce solution used for registering attendees for their confereneces. It includes a members-only section, which integrates a heavily hacked version of WordPress. And finally, it's got two custom database-driven directories that are driven by a mySQL backend which is linked to an offsite Microsoft Access database, meaning that the site owners can update their database locally, and their changes will magically appear on their site. |
Art of Music
This is a website for a team of classical guitarists. It uses a custom PHP backend to drive the content, and includes an e-commerce solution to let the site owners sell their guitar compositions. It's also got a custom calendar web application for bookings. |
Paul McDermand
This is a website for a steel drummer and his band. It uses a custom PHP backend to drive the content, and includes an e-commerce solution to let the site owner sell his albums directly to the public. It's also got a custom calendar web application for bookings. |
Living Sculpture
Lots of groovy robotic art. I did a lot of the hardware and software for Octofungi. Specifically, I wrote the brain (artificial neural network) and much of the leg controller code. Twas very challenging stuff - coding stuff like that into an 8-bit microcontroller that only has add and subtract maths is difficult. I also designed and built the insane power supply and did lots of other various hardware. Oh, and I implemented most of a CNC controller while working there - software, hardware, design, schematics, you name it.
And then, there's |
Starting Now Fitness
This is a website that uses a heavily hacked version of WordPress as the backend. The hacking allows the site owner to create static pages, but more importantly, to create sections that are only available to particular registered users. So, she can post entries that everyone can see, that only her fitness clients can see, or that only a particular fitness client can see. And since WordPress is the backend, it's very easy for her to change content and to maintain a dialog with her clients. |
Stretch to Win
This is a website I did for my girlfriend's company. It's got a custom PHP backend driving the content and graphics (note the many different permuations of menu graphics!). It includes a couple of custom web applications, such as a flexibility specialist locator. And, or course, it's got an ESPN video of my girlfriend teaching pilates to Donovan McNabb of the Philadelpia Eagles. |
Links to people/places/thangs involved in the Mac OS X user interface customization scene. And if I missed you, don't hesitate to let me know!
Adam Betts
Adam is the groovy mofo who did the site design for Starting Now Fitness and for MacThemes. And one of my all time favorite themes, Pez. Update it, damn it! |
Chris McElligott
A theme monster! Lots or ports, mainly, and he whips 'em out fast and supremely well. |
David Lanham
Author of my favorite OS X theme and icon set. They match my coffee cups. Oh, and I drool over his artwork. |
Digital Ramen
Harlan is the author of the ProLCD theme, which is among my top five faves. He's also written an extensive ThemePark tutorial. |
The Icon Factory
Simply the best icons around. And they're also the distributors of Candybar and Pixadex! |
A gigantic collection of themes, wallpapers, icons, you name it. Not much personality, but a huge collection. |
Joe Kohlmann
Author of the Digital Device theme, and one of my best beta testers. |
James Meister
James is responsible for the design of this site. So if that doesn't make him cool, I don't know what does! |
MacNN GUI Forum
This place has been the place to talk gui-geekery for a long time. But now that the MacThemes Forums have opened, a lot of the convo has moved over there. |
MacThemes is among the best places to find info on new quality gui-goodies. And their forums are a good place to discuss the stuff. |
MacUpdate ShapeShifter Archive
MacUpdate is the first place I look when I need a Mac program, and now they've also got a gigantic archive of ShapeShifter guiKits. |
Max Rudberg
Max Rudberg, themer extraordinaire! He also has helped a ton with the template ThemePark presents to the user to create a new theme. |
Pixel Girl Presents
Massively wonderful desktop pics. |
RAD.E8 Design
Sascha is the artist behind the MINIUM° icons. But more importantly (to me!), he did the kick-ass Mighty Mouse icon! |
Resex is the venerable master of gui-goodness. They're not as discriminating as some of the other spots on what they'll accept, but that can be good since you can find anything there. |
Rick Patrick
Cool guy, cool themes, cool icons, cool website. Need I say more? |
The Switchboard
Tutorials on various aspects of graphic design and theming. And a site design done by David Lanham. |
Swizcore Studio
Home of some of the best OS X guiKits around. And Swiz rocks. Even if his house sucks. And his bike.  |
William Bart
The infamous and infamously talented BBX did ShapeShifter's icon. He also wrote a lot of the copy for the SS help file, and was basically super inspirational throughout the development. And it's my fault that Omega isn't out.  |
Links to people I know and like or know and hate vehemently. Nah, I like 'em. 
Fikul Martman
Most pussy bass player on the planet. Pays me to be his friend. |
Best debator I know. And she's cuddly when drunk! Be sure to insist to her that animal testing is moral… |
Humm Squat
Squat won't let me put a link to her stupid Live Journal site here. But she helped greatly in the design of this iteration of Geekspiff. Check the credits for more. And no, her link doesn't go to anything worthwhile. |
John Cocktoastin’
Crazy Italian guy who shoots fireworks at his friends. Jerk. Oh well - I screwed up his friend's quad (and my shoulder) at his bachelor party! |
Kuggie kug kug
Who put the kuggies in the kuggie chu?
Kuggie! put the kuggies in the kuggie chu.
Sweet site update, Kug! |
Pelvis Hottsley
My überhot girlfriend/fiance. She makes me feel like when we used to climb the rope in gym class. |
Spam Lee!!!
Tara's page-o-pics. She has scary ones of Justin and I invading Corrie's "girls only" birthday party in our, uhh, girl suits. |
Spawngaloid rocks! And makes me look like a frickin' rock star when she cuts my hair! |
Unsanity Blog
Blog of the Unsanity peeps, the guys who distribute ShapeShifter and Mighty Mouse. Cool people. Eat in too many damned chain restaurants, though. |