Built-In Cocoa Metallizer
Thursday, 30 June 2005
Update 8/4/05: Using the hack described below will prevent your menubar status items from loading properly if you're using ShapeShifter 2.1.2. This will be fixed in a future version of ShapeaShifter. In the meantime, you can work-around the issue by entering the following Terminal command: So I just happened across something I found interesting in Mac OS X. Turns out there's a built-in way to make any Cocoa application use an all-metal window appearance. To globally set all of your Cocoa apps to use metal, do this in Terminal: To set a particular app, find its bundle identifier (found in the app's Info.plist file) and replace To go back to normal, do this from terminal: Tested on Tiger with Mail.app, System Prefs, and TextEdit. Use at your own risk. |
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