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Even Lobotomy Loves Pump-kins and Beer Viewed: 822 times.
Corrie Sang the National Anthem Before We Began Carving... Viewed: 678 times.
OH MY GOD! CORRIE HAS TWO HEADS! Viewed: 739 times.
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vaGina Proudly Displays Her, uhhh, Pump-kin Viewed: 756 times.
Corrie Introduces Boxcar Whiskers Viewed: 670 times.
She is an Artiste at Pumping-kin Viewed: 678 times.
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Jason Introduces Mr. Swirley HeartNose Viewed: 730 times.
All Pump-Kin Carving Parties Should Include Beer and a Cordless Drill... Viewed: 723 times.
Mr. Swirley HeartNose and Boxcar Willey Viewed: 743 times.
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