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Very difficult to tell what this is, but it's a mockup of the actual bones found in the base of one of the Mayan pyramids. Sucks to be the explorer who found 'em. Viewed: 909 times.
Some cool guy. Hey buddy! Viewed: 810 times.
Glad to know that earlobe plugs aren't a new phenomenon. Viewed: 850 times.
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Scary guys Viewed: 889 times.
Senor Groovy! Viewed: 1064 times.
An actual freaky-as-hell, decorated-to-scare-the-crap-out-of-you-and-give-you-bad-dreams skull of some guy who wishes he'd done something else that day Viewed: 869 times.
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Skulls just aren't scary enough unless you plaster 'em with tiny rocks and stick big fake freaky eyes into the eye sockets. Yeek. Viewed: 995 times.
A really big wheel representing the Mexica sun god. Cool stuff going on on the wheel. Buy an anthropology text for more info, please. Viewed: 951 times.
The interior of the courtyard of the Anthropological Museum. A good geometry foto. Viewed: 988 times.
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